Outpatient Appointments, Relative Support Service and Patient Property Drop Off
Outpatient Appointments
All ADCC outpatients clinics at St. Vincent’s University Hospital have resumed normal service.
The Symptomatic Breast Service has started to incrementally resume activity.
Radiology Outpatient appointments are continuing with restrictions:
- If you are to attend for your appointment, you will be contacted by phone/letter or receive a text reminder.
- If you are not to attend for your appointment, you will receive a text message.
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, have been in an affected area or have a fever or cough, please DO NOT attend the hospital.
Children under 12 years other than the patient’s own children (by prior arrangement) should not be brought to visit. Children must be under the supervision of an adult at all times while in the hospital.
Relative Support Service
The Medical Social Work (MSW) team is providing support to current inpatients and their relatives who have been affected by COVID-19 visiting restrictions. Our aim is to provide a patient-centred service focusing on the emotional and social impact of COVID-19.
Call our support line: 01 – 221 5045 six days a week
We’re open Monday – Friday 10am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm
Our main goal is to make it easier for you to communicate with patients who are in isolation. We can;
- Connect patients, families and medical teams via FaceTime of WhatsApp video call
- Provide advice and support
- Support relatives who are anxious about discharge home
- Offer emotional support to patients and families focusing on grief and loss
What infection control procedures should I follow in the hospital?
Any visitors who have permission to visit should adhere to the following infection control guidelines:
- wash your hands thoroughly before arriving at the hospital
- use the hand hygiene gels at the entrance to the hospital and throughout the hospital
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and sneeze and put used tissues into a bin
- wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the hospital
Coronavirus (COVID – 19)
If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID – 19) including cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties and a high temperature, please do not visit St. Vincent’s University Hospital. It is important that you contact your GP by telephone for medical advice.
For more information on coronavirus (COVID-19) please see the HSE website here or call the HSE helpline on 1850 241850.